The Zoom Pandemic Parlor has been discontinued. The outline below is informational only. With over 65 million cases of Long Covid (and increasing in number every day), we continue to process this global event on all levels.
Here in Arizona, we have had over 2,443,514 cases of COVID-19 diagnosed, and over 33,102 deaths since the pandemic began. Those numbers continue to rise despite a lack of media attention and despite the lack of support for the Long Covid community. If you are struggling with any aspect of this, feel free to request a special one to one session in our Private Pandemic Parlor.
OVERVIEW ~~~~~ Many people are expressing a loss of ‘normal life,’ so we have designed and are hosting this activity to provide a place to give and receive stories, compassion, empathy, and kindness. In the Parlor, people are sharing a myriad of thoughts and feelings about how to respond to and be in this time.
Conversations inevitably traverse a wide range of topics from self-care to climate change; from coping strategies to issues of injustice; from deep philosophical musings to silly song parodies. Whether you are new to the Parlor, or a return visitor, you will find this is a place to be truly heard. It is also a place to honestly confront hopes and concerns about the virus and its impact on our lives. It is a place to share information, compassion, empathy and comfort with fellow travelers on the road of life. Hearing how others are experiencing and innovating response to this event has proven to be healing, humbling and inspiring for patrons.
INSPIRATION ~~~~~ The inspiration for this program is in keeping with our mission statement “to provide resources and education for living well and dying with dignity.” Our organization’s objectives include offering grief support and practical tips for conscious transitions. We are inspired by Death Café, an international social franchise that has given way to thousands of safe conversations about the often-taboo topic (death). Further Shore has hosted many Death Café’s, and we feel that the pandemic, while not a taboo topic, is giving rise to social, cultural, healthcare, and economic upheavals that bear mindful discussion. But sometimes those conversations feel a bit taboo or unsafe.
FEAR AND GRIEF ~~~~~ The book, Feel the Fear And Do It Anyway by Susan Jeffers reminds us that calling out our concerns, worries, and fears can be a powerful step to healing and finding peace. Because the corona virus is novel (new), and has changed our daily lives in big and small ways, we have been in a sort of collective state of shock for months. We are grieving. Patrons have expressed roller coaster emotions, feelings of helplessness to take meaningful actions for self-care, or to make practical contributions toward a better world. Because our social activities are so extremely limited, we have been unable to gather with friends over coffee or dinner to explore our personal or global hopes and fears. We have been unable to gather for birthdays, weddings, funerals, reunions, conferences and the like. This is taking a toll on individuals, families, and communities.
Our emotional and practical response to the number of people who are marginalized because of race or gender; who are hungry, on the front lines, out of work, physically vulnerable, falling ill, or dying alone presents an individual and universal grieving that deserves our attention and reflection. However, grief can be paralyzing. One of Elisabeth Kubler-Ross’s defined stages of grief is “denial” which has a root in fear. With the Kubler-Ross family’s permission, author, David Kessler has added a 6th stage of grief as “meaning.” Joining a Pandemic Parlor offers the opportunity to feel the fear but do it anyway; and to explore with others doing the same. ZPP guidelines and process (noted below) are designed to help patrons co-create safe space and shared empathy. It is our hope that these conversations will help us all to find meaningful ways to mindfully be in these times, with more compassion, coping strategies, and intact boundaries.
INTENTION ~~~~~ The intention of this 1.5 hour meeting is to join in our shared humanity to talk about the pandemic and the myriad ways it has changed our lives, communities and culture; to connect in order to explore our similarities and differences, strategies and needs in order to live our lives more fully now, during, and in an ongoing way as we experience this unique global event.
1. Webster’s definition of “Parlor”: a room for the reception or entertainment of visitors in one’s home. Meetings will take place in your own home ‘parlors’ on Zoom. Obviously, you must bring your own beverage of choice. It is also recommended that you have tasty cake, cookies, chocolate or another sweet nearby to balance a conversation that may have some serious edges.
2. Please speak in “I” statements; expressing what is happening and true for self. Listen carefully. Reflect kindly. Practice respect. Agree to disagree if that situation arises. Share from the heart.
3. Topics are not provided by the facilitator. This is a place to express information about how the pandemic is affecting your personal and/or professional life; to share thoughts and feelings that are arising from the situation and to give and receive empathy about your experiences. Patrons are encouraged to come prepared with topics that are relevant to their lives.
4. Thoughts, feelings, ideas, opinions, strategies about the pandemic and its ramifications are welcome, including hopes or concerns about personal mortality or that of loved ones, global changes or challenges for the environment, economy, cultures and so on.
5. During the meeting: no judging, proselytizing, campaigning, or cajoling others to agree with your viewpoint. We acknowledge that local, medical, state, federal, tribal, and global governing bodies; and in some cases, religious laws are playing a part in our new reality. These factors may shape the way we are responding to the pandemic emotionally and/or speak to how we are now living life, staying safe, communicating, earning a living and so on. Please express viewpoints in a civil, respectful manner.
6. Together we recognize that the meeting is not to replace counseling or grief support, and we acknowledge that many facets of grief may be in play during the meeting. We provide support as we are able given the technology does not allow for physical comfort/touching. It is recommended to have your own tissues nearby. ZPPs held to date have seen both laughter and tears.
7. No donation is requested or required, however, Further Shore is paying for the monthly Zoom service and if patrons want to make a donation to support this and other programs, it can be done via PayPal at the website www.furthershore.org/donate/paypal
1. Reservations may be made by calling the office (928-525-2910) or by emailing Aleia@Arapas.com. These events are on a first come, first serve basis. A wait list will form if the event is fully booked.
2. Once confirmed, patrons will be invited to the Zoom Meeting via an email link the day before the meeting.
a. Invitations will be for Arizona time (Mountain Standard Time which is the same as Pacific Time from March-November). For those living out of state (or country), please be aware of timing.
b. The day before the event, Patrons will also receive an orientation email with notes about how to prepare for the Parlor and a request to confirm your attendance. We understand that last minute cancellations are possible, so please let us know ASAP if you can’t join. There is usually a wait list, so we can fill your spot if we have some notice.
3. Aleia O’Reilly is the meeting facilitator. The meeting is for not more than 5 people in total (Aleia, plus 2-4 others). The program intention to hold space without trying to fix or change anyone’s experience or to lead patrons to any conclusion, philosophy, product, or course of action related to the pandemic or its consequences.
4. Confidentially please. The meeting will not be recorded or shared outside of the group. Patrons are asked to respect everyone’s confidence and not share any comments (other than your own) in community or on social media.
5. To honor everyone’s time constraints, the meeting will begin and end on time. If you have to leave the meeting because of technical problems, feel free to rejoin (I will keep an eye on the waiting room and if you are successful in rejoining will admit you).
6. The meeting will begin with a one-minute Metta practice and a reminder of guidelines
7. There will be a “talking circle” format so as not to all be talking at once
8. There will be time at the end of the meeting to express final thoughts, gratitude
9. Further Shore does not share email addresses with other agencies or the public.