Reflections and News

Greetings everyone, It is fire season in the Southwest; time to use care
with flames of all kinds. The recent loss of nineteen Granite Mountain 
hotshots has been deeply felt here in Arizona. Everyone I know seems 
to know someone who was connected to this event. It gives us cause to 
reflect on the miracle of life as well as its uncertainty. Wherever you are, 
please join me in taking a moment to be grateful to all first responders 
who rush forward into perilous situations. Theirs is a life of caring, service, 
and courage. May their dear families take solace in the time they shared 
the memories they made and the gifts they gave in service. 
Gratefully, Aleia

Further Shore Fundraiser. Stop in or take out on Tuesday,
 July 16th for lunch or dinner at either of the Fratelli Pizza 
locations for 10% Tuesday! On that day, Fratelli will donate 10% 
of their sales to Further Shore’s TLC Client Support Program.
In addition to great traditional pizza there’salso a yummy gf option, 
so let’s go eat!

Flagstaff’s first Death Café was a great success. You can read about 
it on our Face Book page; the next one will be held on 
Saturday, August 10th from 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. at the 
Federated Church in Flagstaff. Check out the calendar for 
more information about Summer Programs at Wayne’s House. 
Don’t forget to mark your calendar for the 8th annual memorial gala 
and fund raiser, “That’s Life ~ A Bone Dance!” on October 26th
This event has become a cherished Flagstaff tradition.

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