Late Spring News Brief

A huge “Thank You” to everyone who shopped at New Frontiers Natural Marketplace on 5% Wednesday. The day was a wonderful success thanks to you. Please keep in mind that 5% Wednesday happens every month on the 3rd Wednesday. It’s a great way to support local nonprofits!

Donning Our Aprons! – Dine in or take out at Wildflower Bread Company on Wednesday, June 13th 2012 and help support local nonprofit, Further Shore to raise funds! For one evening only from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m., Wildflower will donate 15% of their sales to Further Shore when presented with this flyer In the spirit of community and fun, you will be greeted and served your meal by Further Shore staff and volunteers! It’s called Neighborhood Nights and it’s as easy as going out for a bite! Call 928-525-2910 for more information.

Join us for The Crow’s Nest on Wednesday, June 6th from 5:30-7:00 p.m. The Crow’s Nest is offered FREE to the public and is open to all. It will be held at the Joe Montoya Senior and Community Center at 245 N. Thorpe Road in the arts and crafts room.

Naturally Caring TLC for Care Givers 2012 –  Workshop #3 is entitled, “The Seven Levels of Healing Cancer” It will be held on Wednesday, June 20th from 3-5 p.m. at the Joe C. Montoya Senior & Community Center at 245 N. Thorpe Road in Flagstaff. During this FREE workshop you will learn how to Expand and deepen your ability to care for the whole person throughout their cancer diagnosis and treatment. The session will be held in the arts and crafts room. Preregistration appreciated, but not required. For more info (928) 525-2910 or Please check out this wonderful youtube that describes how one man is supporting his wife through breast cancer by donning a pink tutu! It will make you smile.

JudeIn Loving Memory Further Shore offers heartfelt love and sympathy to the family of Jude Philbrick, Aleia’s long-time friend from St. Petersburg, Florida. Jude completed her physical life on Saturday, May 26th in the company of her beloved husband, David, her parents, Ted and Geri Lenocker and her nephew Jackson. She was in the final stages of a rare cancer when she was flown by medical jet last Wednesday to the family farm in Iowa that she so loved. Jude was a graphic artist, world traveler, and avid gardener. She expressed care and kindness to everyone she met; often consoling others when they expressed worry about her. She leaves a legacy of abiding friendship, spiritual strength, joyful laughter and unconditional love that will be a source of comfort and will be long remembered by those who knew her.

Buy from and support Further Shore. Start at our home page and click on the link under “Don’t Miss” on the right side of the page, and Further Shore will get 4% of sale.
Consider a tax deductible donation to support our work. Donate Now!
The second edition of Recipes from the Food Doctor and Friends is on sale now!

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