Further Shore Fundraiser
Shop at New Frontiers Natural Marketplace in Flagstaff on Wednesday, May 16th 2012 and help support local nonprofit, Further Shore to raise funds! For one day only, New Frontiers will donate 5% of their sales to Further Shore whose mission is to provide prehospice support and education for persons with end of life concerns. Further Shore representatives will be present to share information about their services. It’s called 5% Wednesday and it’s as easy as going shopping! Call 928-525-2910 for more information.
Join us for The Crow’s Nest
On May 2nd from 5:30-7:00 p.m. If you are supporting a loved one with changing health circumstances or have questions about your own journey, join us for this monthly discussion and support group (Held the first Wednesday of each month; attend every time or drop in as needed). Meeting focus will be flexible according to the group’s request. Optional topics include improving family dynamics and quality of life during transitions, understanding compassion fatigue, legal/medical choices, accepting changes gracefully, and more. Presented by Meg Leander, Counselor. Questions? Call 928-525-2910 or 928-221-1600. The Crow’s Nest is offered FREE to the public and is open to all. It will be held at the Joe Montoya Senior and Community Center at 245 N. Thorpe Road in the arts and crafts room. Light refreshments will be served.
Naturally Caring TLC for Care Givers 2012
Workshop #2 is entitled, “Bowenwork ® Self-Care and Music as Medicine” It will be held on Wednesday, May 16 from 3-5 p.m. at the Joe C. Montoya Senior & Community Center at 245 N. Thorpe Road in Flagstaff. During this FREE workshop you will Relax with Bowenwork® and learn useful self-help “moves” for your survival tool box. Then enjoy music practices to promote wellness in yourself and others. Your presenters are Teresa Peterson, Accredited Bowenwork ® Practitioner and Meghan Callaghan, MT-BC. The session will be held in the arts and crafts room. Light refreshments will be served and certificates of completion awarded. Preregistration appreciated, but not required. Contact us at (928) 525-2910 or www.furthershore.org. We are so grateful that both the Crow’s Nest and Naturally Caring are funded in part by your donations and sponsorship by: Comfort Keepers Homecare, Findlay Toyota and Alexandra Shroufe, Attorney for Estate Planning and Elder Law.
Registration for the May session of Bridging the Gap is closed. If you are interested in attending the June session, please email us a request to receive the Intake Package at info@furthershore_org.apache1.cloudsector.net. You can learn more about Bridging the Gap at our website www.furthershore.org
Holding Space – A message from AleiaWe are currently holding sacred space for our TLC Client, VTara Ruscher. She has been a client since January of 2008 when she was diagnosed with colon cancer. She has valiantly faced surgeries, chemotherapy and a vast array of uncomfortable symptoms with grace, good humor and courage. During this time she joyfully welcomed a grandchild, visited with family and friends, created beautiful works of art, served as a Further Shore and Artist Coalition volunteer, facilitated Llumination Quests, participated in the Climb to Cure Cancer and inspired everyone within her influence to remain hopeful, forgiving, positive and embracing of life. She and her husband, Chuck, just bought a home here in Flagstaff, and plan to move within a week or two.
VTara is entering the next stage of her journey with the same radiance and grace she always shows us. As of last week she entered hospice at home; as cancer has progressed in her body to where the chemo is no longer helpful. May these next weeks or months be blessed with magic and miracles for her and her family. May she find her new home to be perfect in every way. She knows deeply that her essence goes beyond bodily expression; she is eating, resting and feeling well right now. She is focused on that feeling. She is beginning to sense the vastness that awaits us all. She is approaching these changes with her eyes wide open, steadfast, beautiful. Please join me, her family, and her community of dear friends in holding this sacred space for VTara.
A special request VTara has made is that we join her in the practice of Ho’oponopono (an ancient Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness). She has made this practice an integral part of her spiritual life and it has served her deeply in all her relationships. Ponopono is defined as “to put to rights; to put in order or shape, correct, revise, adjust, amend, regulate, arrange, rectify, tidy up, make orderly or neat.” So, you may offer this practice by visualizing VTara, her family, her community and the world in light and love and to then say: “I am sorry.” “Please forgive me.” “Thank you.” “I love you.” (in any order you wish). This is to dispel any feelings of hurt or regretful interactions; to clear the slate and be in peace for any real or perceived judgments. Her friend, (M.D. in Nebraska) shared this beautiful Rumi message today. I share it now with you, humbly and with gratitude for our friend, V.
with the hay;
Through the reviving wind, disentangle
the wheat from the hay,
Let the sorrow go to the sorrow, the joy
to the joy,
Let the mud go to the mud, and the heart
rise to heaven.