Further Shore Spring News

“Yea, the sun is out!” That is what people are saying up here on Sacred Mountain. At least it looks like Spring on the sunny side of the street. On the north side of Wayne’s House there is still a 15 foot blanket of snow, but things are starting look a little less frozen over all. Elk Meadow in Kachina Village is melting fast and looks like a small lake; the Pumphouse is gurgling and there are springs bubbling up from under the earth along the trail. It is truly beautiful to behold this much water in the high desert.

Spring is the time to renew yourself to conscious living. Take advantage of the warmer weather to get outside for a brisk or leisurely walk, enjoy bird watching or bud blooming! Spring cleaning can also be very rewarding. Take some time to dig into that pantry or closet to see if you REALLY need what is hiding in there. If you don’t need it or use it, pay it forward; you will enjoy the sense of spaciousness. Now is also a time to add more fresh greens to your diet or get into vegetable juice. Stretch, breathe, let your body wake up to a new season. During this blossoming season, please also think about conscious transitions. Recently at the Compassion & Choices conference in Sedona participants were reminded about a wonderful booklet called Aging with Dignity – Five Wishes. This simple booklet helps you to express in your words how you would want to be treated if you were unable to speak for yourself to due to illness or injury. Read more at http://www.agingwithdignity.org/five-wishes.php

Robert and I will be traveling to upstate New York from April 27-June 5 to honor my mom’s 80th birthday. Further Shore’s work will continue here in Flagstaff under the care of our wonderful TLC practitioners. While we are away, there will be some repairs happening at Wayne’s House, but we plan to be ready for retreats again in June.

Wishing you the warmth of a joyous Spring season, may you plant wisely! All the Best, Aleia

Web update

Please check out our website and especially note in the “About” section the addition of “Llumination Quest” “Who Are We?” and “Practitioners” In the “Event’s” section – we have added a calendar that will be updated as events are planned. If you have a friend who might enjoy this newsletter, have them visit www.furthershore.org to subscribe.

I am also excited to announce that my blog was born on February 12th. While I have not had time to post again due to travel, I do plan to engage in some lively discussion about end of life issues at http://blog.dyingtofly.com


As a small 501C3 nonprofit, we are very grateful for our donor support. Many of those we serve are financially challenged and have serious medical conditions or end of life concerns. You can help us to provide services to our TLC Clients, sponsor a retreat participant or support educational programs by purchasing a cookbook or making a donation on line. http://furthershore_org.apache1.cloudsector.net/Donate/Default.aspx

Local News

Victim Witness Services and Theatrikos are proud sponsors of “Vagina Monologues 2010” Tickets available at the Orpheum Theater for this one night only performance that raises awareness and funds for these nonprofits. Show will be held on April 9th. Tickets are $20. Doors open at 7 p.m. Show starts at 8:00 p.m. http://orpheumpresents.inticketing.com/events/81514/The-Vagina-Monologues-a-performance-to-benefit-Victim-Wit

Flagstaff welcomes the ASIS – Arizona School of Integrative Studies (massage education)! Classes begin on March 25th. Visit http://asismassage.com/ for more information.

Check out the Connect2Help Circle whose goal is to help individuals and families in need to connect to those who can meet needs! http://www.swiftresource.com/c2hCircle.aspx

Further Shore wishes to offer sympathy to the human parents of Swirls the kitty. Michele and John will be missing this dear one. He passed peacefully into spirit in his sleep on February 28th.

Calendar Events for Spring 2010

March 20 – Compassion & Choices Arizona offers its annual conference on end of life planning. “The Most Important Day of Your Life” was held in Sedona. For information about this important work: http://asismassage.com/

April 15th – Naturally Caring-TLC for Care Givers workshop #1 “Spring Cleaning to Clear Compassion Fatigue” with Aleia O’Reilly and Michelle Dubian **

May 7th – Celebrating Your Unique Spirit – Further Shore is a proud member of the Northern Arizona Gerontology Association and Care Giver’s Coalition of Flagstaff. The 26th Annual Conference on Aging will be held from 8:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the Federated Church in Flagstaff. $20 fee includes a lunch by Simply Delicious! Contact Meg Leander for more information 221-1600

May 20th – Naturally Caring – TLC for Care Givers workshop #2 “True Nourishment, Feeding Your Body and Soul” presented by Michele Lytle of Lytle’s Ladle

May 26th – Senior Health & Fitness Event at the Flagstaff Aquaplex features information for over the 55 crowd booths, displays, mini workshops, activities and lunch. Hosted by the City of Flagstaff.

June 17th – Naturally Caring – TLC for Care Givers workshop #3 “Increasing Your Peace” presented by Shannon Arnett

June 18-19 Bridging the Gap Retreat*

** The Naturally Caring Series is made possible from the grant support of the Flagstaff and Arizona Community Foundations, The Forest Highlands Foundation and Flagstaff Medical Center. Workshops are from 2-4 p.m. at Abrio Family Services and are FREE to the public.

*Bridging the Gap This program will provide guidance and tools to family or friends who find themselves in caregiving roles for persons with serious illness. Bridging the Gap is required for Further Shore volunteers, and will prove useful for anyone who plans to be present or supportive for their parents, siblings, partners or other loved ones during health and life transitions. Facilitated by Aleia N. O’Reilly.

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