Retreat for Breast Cancer

Further Shore Presents “Gentle Transitions for Women with Breast Cancer”
A nurturing, blessed time and space for spiritual reflection, rest, meditation, compassionate touch, artful creation, inner questing, time in nature. Share with other women or experience a solo retreat. Programs are for women seeking grace, peace, and healing
at any stage in the breast cancer journey.

When ~ September 29th and 30th or in any 24 hour overnight to suit your needs
Where ~ Wayne’s House in Flagstaff

Cost ~ $250 per person (meals, lodging, art materials, and facilitation included)
Scholarships ~ are available; co-pay sliding scale $25+
RSVP ~ pre-registration is required at least 10 days prior to the program call 928-525-2910
Sponsor a Friend ~ Healing is a wonderful gift to offer someone you love. If you would like to donate to our scholarship fund or sponsor a woman’s visit to Wayne’s House, send a check to Further Shore, Inc. P. O. Box 23518; Flagstaff, AZ 86002 or make a Pay Pal donation on line at

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